Belmont Neighbourhood Centre is committed to providing quality services, programs and events for the Belmont Community and surrounds. However, sometimes things go wrong and you may not be satisfied with the service we provided. Tell us about it. You can either discuss this matter with us in person, or you can file a complaint. All feedback and complaints are taken seriously and dealt with as quickly as possible. Your concern will be investigated thoroughly and impartially and you will be treated in a sympathetic, courteous and professional manner. And most importantly, the incident will not necessarily have a negative affect on your future involvement with Belmont Neighbourhood Centre.
To make a formal complaint, please contact BNC reception via 4947 0031 or in person. Alternatively you can email Kylie and arrange a meeting to lodge a complaint.
Comments, Suggestions and Feedback.
Do you have something to share with us? You can submit your comments, suggestions or feedback in the table below. We invite you to share your thoughts with us about our centre and it’s programs.
BNC feedback form
We would love to hear from you! Please fill out this form and we will get in touch with you shortly.